The story begins in the city of Mengen by the Black Sea coast in northwest Turkey. The city, located along the historical route between Istanbul and Ankara, is renowned for their chefs, the annual cooking festival and its tradition since the days of the Ottoman Empire of “delivering” high-class chefs.
It is a legacy carried with pride and everywhere in the region there are posters with, and statues of, chefs. Chefs of the absolute highest standards has been educated and trained here for a long time back and the cooking academy educates and “delivers” chefs to restaurants all across Turkey, even presidents gets their chefs from here. This is where the founder originates and there is no mystery that this world has marked his career.
Our first restaurant opened in 1989 in Kusadasi, one of the largest tourist destinations in Turkey, and we are still running it. For over 30 years, we have built a vast network with everything from chefs, waiters and bartender to entertainers. We cooperate with universities that educates in hospitality, restaurants and tourism as well as with different organisations within the same area.
In Sweden we have worked with Hotel Silverhatten, Hotel Kraja and Silver Lodge in Arjeplog in northern Sweden. Quite quickly, it became obvious that recruiting staff with the quality and skill that was required was very hard. Our solution was to turn to our “old” contacts and recruit the staff internationally. Since 2011 we have brought waiters, bartenders & artists from Turkey to Arjeplog.